Votre commentaire ne doit pas exceder une page et demi. Double articulation entry for the international encyclopedia of. In semiotic theory, the term double articulation is a linguistic term that describes the way that language written or spoken is structured in order to enable it to be capable of forming the sort of signs that are found in texts with complex, discursive meaning. Double articulation, or duality of patterning is a concept used in linguistics and semiotics. Double articulation as a criterion of linguisticity. According to linguist andre martinet 1, language can be broken down in smaller elements on. Nov 28, 2000 double articulation is a fascinating linguistic phenomenon because it explains how language has the ability to describe everything in the world, and because it can be applied to other fields of knowledge as well.
Polylexicalite, monolexicalite et double articulation. Double articulation refers to the twofold structure of the stream of speech, which can be primarily divided into meaningful signs like words or morphemes, and then secondarily into distinctive elements like letters or phonemes. Toute langue est construite selon une architecture appelee double articulation du langage denomination reprise dandre martinet. So for example, the meaningful english word cat is composed of the sounds k. It refers to the twolevel structure inherent to a sign system, insofar as it is composed by two kinds of elements. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Double articulation du langage humain metaphysique et politique. Double articulation is a fascinating linguistic phenomenon because it explains how language has the ability to describe everything in the world, and because it can be applied to other fields of knowledge as well the double articulation of language. Par exemple, il est le seul a posseder une double articulation. Double articulation du langage humain on doit cette observation a andre martinet 1908 1999. Autre exemple, en japonais, lopposition l et r nest pas pertinente, ceuxci pourront coexister sans changer le sens du moneme, comme pour.
It refers to the twolevel structure inherent to a sign system, insofar as it. Langue humanities and social scienceslinguistics publisher. Certains enfants deforment des sons sans quaucun facteur physique, sensoriel ou autre ne soit en cause. Les hommes communiquent, les animaux, communiquent.